Thursday, November 5, 2009

Continuing "The Lorax"

By communicating through email, Ashley, Melissa, Maggie, and I compiled the last of our addition to "The Lorax." Our addition is meant to be tacked onto the end of the book, as a continuation.

But the boy knew he could not act alone
so he picked up his seed and marched on home
"Mom! Have you heard of the Truffula trees?"
"No," she said, "explain it to me please."
So he told her the tale
of the Once-ler and his greed
and they picked up his pale
and knew just what to do with the seed.

So they went on their way, two generations united
rallied neighbors and friends, everyone was excited.
They planted the seed, but it didn't stop there,
they marched to the office of Mr. Dontcare.
They told him the tale of the Truffula trees
and he laughed and he scoffed at his citizen's needs.
He shooed them out the door, told them they couldn't stay.
The little boy was disheartened, then his mom yelled "No way!"
"If you wait just a moment and listen, you'll see
the Earth's as important for you as for me.
It's not really thneeds that everyone needs
and we must stop now before all that's left are the weeds.

But it's not just the Brown Barbaloots who will suffer,
oh no, even for you, things will get tougher.
One day you too will live as the Once-ler does
alone in the smog, wishing for what once was.
Because someday soon we'll run out of trees,
there'll be no more fish, nor flowers, nor bees.
We'll even run out of that goop in the ground
that you put in your car to make it go round."

"What? This can't happen!" cried Mr. Dontcare,
"How can I fix this?" he asked, pulling his hair.
"We must change the whole system," an old man chimed in
"leave consumption behind and everyone will win.
We must measure our economy with yuzzamatuzz, not GDP
To raise the standard of living for you and for me."

"You're right!" exclaimed Mr. Dontcare,
as he raised his fists and jumped off his chair.
"We'll set the example for living with less
and the whole world will follow; we'll all fix this mess.
We'll show one and all that our land matters more
than factories, machines, and thneeds galore.
Gather all scientists, leaders, and friends
Once-lers and citizens, the list has no end!
We'll need everyone together, the rich and the poor
to come up with ways to change lives at the core.
So come along! We're off! It's a new day!
Soon, under Truffula trees we will lay!"

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